Government, society, politics, and media.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Jobs Slobs

(Opinion alert)

The media's coverage of the unemployment rate released this week has been sloppy. They mention that at 6.1% it is higher than it has been in five years. This is what they fail to mention:

  • The yearly unemployment average during the Clinton years was 5.20%. The yearly unemployment average under Bush Jr. so far is 5.18%.

  • The yearly unemployment average during the entire 90's was 5.75%. The yearly unemployment average so far in the new millennium is 5.03%.

  • If you assume that the yearly unemployment average for 2008 is 6.1%, Bush's average still stands at only 5.30%, a mere 0.10% greater than Clinton's.
(Opinion alert)

Now, let's not pretend that George Bush is incredible when it comes to creating jobs. During the Clinton years, the rate fell and fell and fell steadily. Under Bush Jr. it has fluctuated tremendously.

I just thought that if we were going to blather about the numbers, we might as well blather about them all.

Funny note: I brought this to Sparky's attention and he dismissed it, claiming that since that table was published by the government, the Bush administration had probably simply made up the numbers. Strong argument, Sparky!

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