Government, society, politics, and media.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Dear God

(Opinion alert)

Last post I said I was going to focus on issues again, but Sparky has been texting me avidly about some Sarah Palin quotes involving God. Since it does have to do with my next issue, Iraq, I'll post on it.

First, let me be clear. Sometimes I use poetic license when I describe conversations between Sparky and me. For example, I will say, "so Sparky called me up and started jabbering..." when what I really mean is, "In recent conversations when this subject has come up, Sparky started jabbering...".

However, this is not the case right now--no poetic license here. Sparky has literally been texting me one or two times a day giving me Palin quotes and telling me she is a religious wacko.

Religious wacko she may be, but I want to set the record straight on at least two Palin quotes that have been circulating and that I have recently stumbled upon.

...that our leaders, our national leaders are sending them out on a task that is from God. That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there's a plan and that that plan is God's plan. So, uh, bless them with your prayers, your prayers of protection over our soldiers, and speaking of...

I can do my part in doing things like working really, really hard to get a natural gas pipeline--about a thirty billion dollar project that's gonna create a lot of jobs for Alasksans and we'll have a lot of energy flowing through here. And pray about that also. I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that. I...
If you simply read the quotes and didn't watch the videos, I suggest you do so. To any reasonable person, it is painfully obvious why Sarah Palin brought up God in these two quotes. She is speaking at a church. She is trying to work God and prayer into everything she says, because that is supposed to be the focus when you are in a church. I'm no expert in linguistics or speech, but I don't have to be. This is truly, truly obvious.

Secondly, Sparky, Sarah Palin does not claim that the Iraq war is a "task from God" or that an Alaskan pipeline is "God's will". To a reasonable person, both of these quotes (when not taken out of context) are Sarah Palin telling the churchgoers to pray for good things. She tells them to pray that God watches over our soldiers. She tells them to pray that America will become unified over the cause of alternative energy. Yet, according to Sparky, this is wacky, insane, evil stuff.

Again, let me reiterate this point for the billionth time. We should not be talking about this. Sparky shouldn't be talking about Sarah Palin sound bytes. I shouldn't be talking about Barack Obama being out of touch. If Sparky would allow me to, I'd much rather debate with him on governmental policy.

Please, Sparky! Stop allowing me to prove that I am right when I say that all politicans are slimy and we should get over it! Please allow me to prove to you instead that Barack Obama's policies are worse than John McCain's!

And another note, Sparky. It would be very, very easy for me to respond to your Palin argument with a simple list of links. I could link to an out of context sound byte of Barack Obama calling Sarah Palin a pig with lipstick, to his former reverend of twenty years ranting about the white enemy, to video of Barack dancing in jubilation at one of these sermons, to pictures of Barack launching his campaign from the house of Bill Ayers the terrorist, or to a host of other fun-filled media clips that make the man look bad. But I won't. Because it doesn't matter how bad he is. He is a politician. We compare politicans by their policies, not by the dirt the media can dig up on them.

Again, Sparky, please stop. You are my best friend, but when you talk about this stuff you only make a fool of yourself.

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I find it's best to avoid filling in these "about me" things. You never know who's watching. And anyway, how would I decide which of my many personalities to portray? I wouldn't want to anger any of them. I WILL HARNESS THE POWER OF THE GOOGLE BLOGGINGS. Quiet, Pavlo. The point is that these things are dangerous. If I'm not careful, I could come across as a weirdo. Or boring. Also, I believe that every photo of me steals a little bit of my soul, so no profile picture.