Like all backwards things (mirror images, cabooses, Democrats) GreenPeace does benefit the world in some ways. However, like some backwards things (Democrats), GreenPeace could be doing so much better.
Literally minutes ago, I spoke with the Boston City Coordinator for GreenPeace. I can't remember her name right now, but I will work on finding that.
I ran into her at Northeastern, where I go to school. I have also frequently run into GreenPeace volunteers at Porter Square in Cambridge as well as on Newbury Street. I worked near Porter Square for about six months and saw GreenPeace volunteers there at least five times. Yet, I have been living full-time in Jamaica Plain for over a year and have never seen a GreenPeace rep there. Not within five miles of my apartment. Not on Center Street, not near Jamaica Pond, not on Washington Street.
I will let you draw your own conclusions on that, but I will also draw for you the conclusions that were given to me by this young lady of whom I speak.
When I told her what I have just told you, she told me that she had just moved here from Iowa three months ago and didn't know the city and surrounding areas very well, so that was why she didn't have anybody posted in Jamaica Plain.
So I asked her why I had never seen GreenPeace volunteers in Jamaica Plain before she took charge three months ago. She told me that they have to place volunteers in places where they can interact with one person every thirty seconds, which is why they are most often found in popular places like Newbury Street, Northeastern, and Cambridge.
I informed her that both Centre Street and Washington Street are very busy during summers in Jamaica Plain.
"Well", she said, "GreenPeace has tried that before and they had some problems with that. So, unfortunately I just kind of have to go with what GreenPeace says. If I had more volunteers maybe I could put some in places like that."
Mhmm. Maybe.
By the way. Here is the qualification for being a GreenPeace city coordinator:
A minimum of 1-2 years of experience in face-to-face fundraising, direct marketing or customer service and a strong interest in environmental issues.
What was that last thing? Strong interest in...huh?
GreenPeace is not interested in affecting social change. They are interested in getting your money, throwing it at things, and keeping some of it.
This lovely lady (who, admittedly, was very nice) talked to me about a campaign that GreenPeace is working on right now involving Kimberly Clark, the parent company of Kleenex.
GreenPeace Kimberly Clark campaign
This campaign is better than nothing, but it is backwards.
Rather than educating you about using less tissue (or conserving in general), GreenPeace simply asks you to sign up for their club, pay them monthly, and hope that they do things you think are good. This is why they don't volunteer in busy poor areas, only busy wealthy areas. Their main interest is money.
Instead, GreenPeace should focus on busy poor areas. Rather than collecting money, they should give out free handkercheifs. In case you are a GreenPeace member and don't know, a handkercheif can do the same things that those evil Kleenex things do, but they are washable and reusable. GreenPeace wouldn't even have to spend money on this! Don't you think there would be some company somewhere that would spend a couple million bucks if their logo was splattered all over everyone's handkercheifs??
But of course, GreenPeace is full of liberals. Liberals do not expect you to change and become better. They expect you to give them your money and hope they can solve your problem for you.
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