- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 66% by 2050
- Revolutionize the American transportation sector
- Focus on alternative, domestic energy
The enactment of John McCain's energy plan would represent the biggest change in American energy since the industrial revolution. The change would be drastic and it would be lasting. But at the same time, McCain's plan is built on strategies that are proven to work, including an aggressive cap and trade emissions system.
We need to support John McCain's energy plan. But before that, we need to take a good look at it and focus on its strengths--the ideas and plans that we can really look forward to.
Advanced Vehicles
John McCain plans to create a $300 million prize for the first individual or organization that comes up with a battery with the size, capacity, power, and a low enough price to make plugin hybrid or electric cars commercially feasable. The battery in question would have to be 70 percent cheaper than the current technology. This radical idea is based on simple logic: if companies are in competition, a better product will come faster. If the battery is available, unlimited numbers of new car technologies will be able to be developed around it and at a reasonable price to the average American. This plan will get hybrid or electric vehicles into the hands of average Americans.
Cap and Trade
Cap and trade systems are seen as one of the best solutions to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Cap and trade worked for acid rain, and now McCain wants to make it work for energy. Under such a system, the government caps the amount that all companies collectively are allowed to emit. Then, each company is given a proportionate amount of credits. Companies can trade emission credits, so companies who are cleaner benefit because they can sell more of their emissions credits. This system is prooven, and it is exciting that McCain wants to implement it. This is how McCain plans to reduce emissions by 66% by 2050.
Domestic Oil, Natural Gas, and Alternative Energy
John McCain pledges that his administration would agressively pursue oil and natural gas drilling. John McCain believes in pursuing American oil as aggressively as possible so that we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil and our international trade deficit, 41% of which comes from oil. This oil plan includes offshore drilling and drilling in Alaska. He also believes in piplining natural gas across the country and making natural gas a greater part of America's energy profile. McCain's plan also includes aggressive tax cuts for companies who spend research and development money on alternative energy such as solar and wind.
Domestic Clean Coal
John McCain's plain includes $2 billion annually towards the research and advancement of clean coal technologies. Currently, scientists predict that clean coal technology is over 15 years away. McCain's plan focuses on fast-tracking this technology, since coal creates most of American energy. This will mean a drastic change in American emissions created during electricity production, and will give America a better option to make clean, domestic energy.
International Leadership
John McCain is committed to getting the global economy on track with clean, green energy. By fast-tracking green technology in America and then promoting the sale of those technologies to foreign nation, John McCain will turn America both into a global energy provider and a leader in climate reform. McCain stresses creating a healthy energy relationship with two of the world's fastest-growing economies: China and India. By cooperating on an global basis and promoting energy and climate reform internationally, John McCain's plan will set the stage for a new world of energy.
Advanced Vehicles
John McCain plans to create a $300 million prize for the first individual or organization that comes up with a battery with the size, capacity, power, and a low enough price to make plugin hybrid or electric cars commercially feasable. The battery in question would have to be 70 percent cheaper than the current technology. This radical idea is based on simple logic: if companies are in competition, a better product will come faster. If the battery is available, unlimited numbers of new car technologies will be able to be developed around it and at a reasonable price to the average American. This plan will get hybrid or electric vehicles into the hands of average Americans.
Cap and Trade
Cap and trade systems are seen as one of the best solutions to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Cap and trade worked for acid rain, and now McCain wants to make it work for energy. Under such a system, the government caps the amount that all companies collectively are allowed to emit. Then, each company is given a proportionate amount of credits. Companies can trade emission credits, so companies who are cleaner benefit because they can sell more of their emissions credits. This system is prooven, and it is exciting that McCain wants to implement it. This is how McCain plans to reduce emissions by 66% by 2050.
Domestic Oil, Natural Gas, and Alternative Energy

Domestic Clean Coal
John McCain's plain includes $2 billion annually towards the research and advancement of clean coal technologies. Currently, scientists predict that clean coal technology is over 15 years away. McCain's plan focuses on fast-tracking this technology, since coal creates most of American energy. This will mean a drastic change in American emissions created during electricity production, and will give America a better option to make clean, domestic energy.
International Leadership

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