Government, society, politics, and media.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


The purposes of this opinion post are:
  1. To convice Sparky that if he is going to classify one candidate as "too corrupt to be president", that candidate must be Barack Obama.

  2. To discuss the legitimacy of news sources, in particular the New York Times.

  3. To reiterate my position on mudslinging.
Introduction: Why this post is wrong (in defense of those on the left)

Let me begin in reverse, by reiterating my position on mudslinging. It is not needed. It doesn't even matter if it is true. All politicians do bad things. Barack Obama has done them and John McCain has certainly done them (though I can't find many bad things done by John McCain that compare to Obama). We should discuss issues and policy (government), not rumors, theories, and mistakes from the past.

That said, I write this post and many other posts on this blog specifically for the purpose of mudslinging Barack Obama. Why do I go against my own principals? As a matter of principal, of course! I must get Sparky to drop his antics (his latest line is "F John McCain, Andrew. F Him!") and start discussing policy. The only way I see to convince him of this is to prove that, by his own standards, his candidate is unfit to be president. If I can prove this, maybe he will change his standards and think about government for once.

Barack Obama: A concise campaign history

The following are Barack Obama's responses (generalized by me, of course) to all allegations against him:
  1. I voted "present" 133 times in less than three years because....JOHN MCCAIN IS GEORGE BUSH WITH A MASK ON!

  2. It took me twenty years to realize that Reverend Wright is a racist who thinks that God should kill whites because....he seemed nice enough to me!

  3. I launched my campaign from the house of an admitted, cold-blooded terrorist because....he seemed nice enough to me!

  4. I only ever worked with Acorn because....they seemed legitimate enough to me!
Some people turn it around and say that Obama is just as racist as Wright, that he condones terrorism and cop-killing, or that he encouraged voter fraud. None of these are true! He is simply a politician! He does things that work to his advantage, no matter what those things are! By all definitions, Barack Obama is just a slimy politician.

Of course, it would be easy for me to take all those wrong stances, given the evidence. That's why talk radio hosts do it. The evidence is there! So Sparky (or anyone who mudslings McCain on a regular basis), please take this into consideration. Whenever you start a tirade on John McCain's evil corrupt doings, just remember that I love to play the devil's advocate when it comes to mudslinging Barack.

New York Slimes

Speaking of slimy.

The media is not covering the Acorn voter fraud issue accurately. The New York Times in a recent article defends Barack Obama rather than listing all the facts. They list facts all right, but I don't think they've heard the term "selective" before. NYT - On Obama, Acorn, and Voter Registration

Funny, the Slimes was glad to crucify Acorn back in July, before Acorn was connected to Barack Obama. NYT - Funds Misappropriated at 2 Nonprofit Groups

CNN, a bastian of balanced news coverage, covered the story in detail, listing all the facts. CNN (YouTube) - Acorn and Obama

What an obamanation!


If you are one of those people who never clicks the links I post, click that last one. The video is only five minutes long. Please watch it and understand how corrupt Acorn is.

The Wall Street Journal (a real newspaper) published a transcript of this video written by the Republican National Committee. (I know, Sparky, Republicans. I checked the transcript, okay? It's legit.)

Clarification: The Republican National Committee did not write or sponsor in any way the CNN news story I link to above. CNN did. The Republican National Committee just wrote down all the words in the video in the form of a transcript.

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