Government, society, politics, and media.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Them Dems

(Opinion alert)

You can't deny that John McCain's over-enthusiasm about Joe the Plummer is a little funny. Especially the multiple times he brought it up in the final debate on Wednesday.

However, the democrats have been just as enthusiastic about smearing Joe the Plummer as much as possible. What this accomplishes, I'm not sure. However, I'd like to point out a couple of things that I just heard on a radio newscast.

(Fact time)

The Obama campaign claims that Joe the Plummer isn't registered to vote. He is. He isn't registered under the name Joe because that is his middle name. Unlike some people, Joe likes his middle name.

The Obama campaign claims that Joe the Plummer is not, in fact, a licensed plummer. Surprisingly, that is the truth! Not surprisingly, they leave out this fact: in Ohio, you don't have to have a plumming license unless you are doing enterprise-size jobs. He really is a plummer, Obama. Get over it.

Quick note: I will get verifiable sources for these two facts ASAP. I'm in a rush this morning so I don't have the time. I don't imagine it will be terribly hard to find, though.

(Opintion alert)

Obama supporters, please understand who you are voting for. This man is willing to smear a plummer. He is smearing a plummer. Let me say it again: Barack Obama is smearing a plummer. A plummer.

Isn't this supposed to be the guy that's for the people? Oh, I forgot. Barack Obama isn't really for the people. He is tricking you! What he really cares about is growing the government more, like George Bush did.

I think my next post will be on negative campaigning.

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