My refutation: Obama is just as "out of touch" as McCain or any big-time politician. Therefore, McCain being out of touch is just a media game.
(Opinion alert)

The argument from the Obama camp is that these responses show McCain is "out of touch" with the typical middle-class American.
In this post, I will prove that Obama is equally "out of touch". I stoop to this level not because I think it matters, but to prove the point that both sides are equally slimy. We need to forget about this mud fight and get to the issues, since both candidates are slimy jerks anyways!!
To Begin
The left has already done a fine job of bringing out McCain's slimyness. Let's assume that we already know McCain is a slimeball. I admit it! Now we can focus on Obama. Instead of just saying he is a slimeball, we will prove it.
Proof that Obama is "Out of Touch"
- How many states? Barack Obama said: "I've now been in 57 states, I think one left to go". That would mean that he thinks there are 58 states. Don't believe me? It's on video. Just search for "Obama 57 states" on any search engine or video site. Video link
Above his pay grade. Speaking on abortion is above Obama's pay grade--in his own words! No spin on this. In an interview he was asked, "At what point does a baby get human rights, in your opinion?". After stumbling for a few seconds he responded, "I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity is above my pay grade." Video link
- Typical white people. This quote explains itself. Speaking about his grandmother, Senator Obama said, "She is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know there's a reaction that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away and that sometimes come out in the wrong way. And that's just the nature of race in our society." Audio link
- Friendly with terrorists. During Obama's first campaign for senate, William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, two terrorists, hosted a dinner for Barack Obama at their home. William Ayers was quoted in the New York Times saying, "I don't regret setting bombs" and "I don't feel we did enough". He was talking, of course, about the numerous bombings that he participated in (he admits it in his book). New York City Police Headquarters in 1970, the Capitol building in Washington D.C. in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972. AP Link
- Prevent fresh educational practices. The Associated Press reviewed documents released by the University of Illinois at Chicago which pertained to the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an educational initiative that Barack Obama was a part of. The minutes of some meetings revealed that Obama wanted to know if the Chicago Annenberg Challenge was raising enough money, and if money was being used “to prop up existing organizations as opposed to creating fresh educational practices in the schools?”. He was also paraphrased as saying that "not much seems to be bubbling up that is inspiring or substantive". Chicago Sun Times link
- God is against white people. Barack Obama attended church and listened to sermons by Reverend Jeremiah Wright for over twenty years before officially distancing himself from the Reverend under political pressure. Reverend Wright was recorded quoting a book by James H. Cone:
If God is not for us and against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill Him. Black Theology accepts only the love of a God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy.
-A Black Theology of Liberation By James H. Cone 1990 ISBN-10: 0883446855 Page 27
(I am working on the audio link!)
Reverend Wright also has the famous quote, "God damn America". Video Link - Million-dollar mansion. Actually, Obama's is a 1.65 million-dollar mansion. That's right. In 2005, Mr. Obama bought a $1.65 million dollar home. He also spent $14,000 on a fence seperating his house from the one next to it. I couldn't find any copyright-free photos of the home, but it is quite large and I have provided a link for you to see it. Chicago Tribune link, Images of Obama's house
- Show us the money. In 2006, the Obamas had a joint income of $991,296. Barack made $551,240 from his books alone. The Obamas donated $60,307 or 6% of their income to charity that year. John McCain had $358,414 of individual income and he donated $64,695 or 19% to charity. Obama 2006 tax return, MSNBC Obama income article, McCain 2006 tax return, McCain income/charity information.
In Defense of Mr. Obama
(Opinion alert)
If you think the above listing of facts is unfair, you are right and you finally understand my point!
All of the facts in that list are true. However, it is unfair to put them all together in an argument and then claim them as proof that Obama is unfit to be president. It is just as unfair to claim that McCain is unfit to be president for similar reasons.
In my opinion, Barack Obama is unfit to be president but it is because his governmental policies are not the best ones for the country. It has nothing to do with his slimyness!
My point is that Obama is slimy! McCain is slimy! They are politicians, that is their job. They do one thing one day that they think will be a good idea or will go unnoticed, and then it rears its head and comes back at them later.
Therefore, we need to drop this ridiculous mudslinging and get to the issues.
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