Government, society, politics, and media.

Friday, January 2, 2009

You must watch this

Milton Friedman explains role of gold in Great Depression

You must watch this. If you do, you will better understand our current economic woes. Though this was clearly filmed in the sixties or seventies, the points Friedman makes about government-induced inflation apply directly to our current economic woes.

The more you know!

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About Me

I find it's best to avoid filling in these "about me" things. You never know who's watching. And anyway, how would I decide which of my many personalities to portray? I wouldn't want to anger any of them. I WILL HARNESS THE POWER OF THE GOOGLE BLOGGINGS. Quiet, Pavlo. The point is that these things are dangerous. If I'm not careful, I could come across as a weirdo. Or boring. Also, I believe that every photo of me steals a little bit of my soul, so no profile picture.