As it turns out, both McCain supporters and Obama supporters had trouble on certain questions. Based on the full poll data and cross tabs, here is my analysis of the poll:
What McCain supporters knew that Obama supporters did not
- 64% of Republicans knew that the Democrats already controlled the Senate before the election.
Only 38% of Democrats knew that. - 50% of McCain supporters knew that Barack Obama had said his policies would bankrupt coal companies and make energy prices skyrocket.
Only 14% of Obama supporters knew that. 24% of them though McCain had said it. - 48% of McCain supporters knew that Barack Obama had claimed to have campaigned in 57 states.
Only 24% of Obama supporters knew that.
What Obama supporters knew that McCain supporters did not
What both Obama supporters and McCain supporters knew
- McCain could not remember how many houses he owned (about three-quarters of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
- The Republicans spent $150,000 on Sarah Palin's clothing (about 80% of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
- Sarah Palin has a pregnant teenage daughter (95% of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
- Joe Biden said that Barack Obama would be seriously tested in his first six months in office (just over half of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
- Barack Obama said the government should redistribute wealth (about 80% of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
- Barack Obama reportedly started his political career at Bill Ayers' house (86% of McCain supporters and 68% of Obama supporters knew this)
- John McCain was involved in a 1980's savings and loans scandal (about half of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
What neither Obama supporters nor McCain supporters knew
- Sarah Palin did not actually say that she could see Russia from her house (about three-quarters of McCain and Obama supporters believed she had said so)
- Joe Biden was forced to drop out of a 1980 campaign because he was found to have plagiarized a speech (only about one-third of McCain and Obama supporters knew this)
- Barack Obama won his first election by getting all of his oponents kicked off the ballot (only 29% of McCain supporters and 13% of Obama supporters knew this)
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